You’ve got the dress, you’ve got the venue, and you’ve even assembled the perfect guest list.

Both of you are floating 3 feet above the ground getting ready for the happiest day of your lives: your beautiful wedding day. But amidst all the wedding planning frenzy, don’t forget the most important ingredient for your wedding: your wedding photographererr, I mean your partner.

After all, the secret to a successful marriage is spending quality time with your partner – no matter what life throws at you. Slowing down to enjoy a few heartfelt moments of peace, love, and joy with the love of your life is something you should always find time for.

Even if your wedding is tomorrow.

So, before you say “I do”, take a breather from all the chaos & excitement and go on a romantic date together. Doing so will not only heighten your excitement for your big day – but it will also help you tune into each other, adding a bit more “special” to your special day.

And in case getting ready for your wedding is taking up all your mental capacity (I know how crazy it can get), I’m here to save the day and help you plan a romantic date with your soulmate on the day before your wedding day. Use my top 6 tips outlined in this blog post to make the most of your final date before tying the knot.

1. Plan a Fun Activity

As I’ve said – and you’ve probably experienced yourself – wedding planning can sometimes feel like a never-ending to-do list. But don’t forget that you’re in the process of planning one of the most beautiful days of your lives. So don’t forget to have some fun in the process too.

So if you’re just a day out, then you definitely deserve a break from spreadsheets and cake tastings to plan an activity that both of you will enjoy. Reward yourselves for making it this far. For being in love and finding the one you will say “Yes” to forever. Reward yourselves for being You – without needing a reason or an explanation.

If you’re an outdoorsy couple, then you might enjoy going on a hike together to enjoy the peace & serenity of nature before the bells start tolling and the whistles start blowing.

If you’re both foodies, you can take a cooking class to learn how to prepare your favorite meals together or just explore a new restaurant. Or if you’re adrenaline junkies, you can go to an amusement park to – literally – make your hearts beat a little faster for each other.

Whatever fun activity you end up planning, the point is to forget about the world for a moment and just focus on having fun together. This shared experience will create memories that will last you a lifetime. And reinforce your love for each other before your big day.
So treat these special memories leading up to your wedding day as a “bonus”. After all, you’ve already found love, joy, and happiness – why not have a little fun too?

2. Relax & Unwind

Wedding nerves are real, and they can affect even the calmest of souls.

So, it’s crucial to find moments of relaxation amidst the chaos.

This could be as simple as lounging at home with a good book, going on a walk to breathe some fresh air, planning a picnic with each other (bring your dogs along too), or visiting a museum. You can treat yourselves to a spa day or simply choose to unwind with a movie night at home.

But whatever you do, remember this: taking some time to de-stress will help you both feel more calm and centered on your wedding day. And the more relaxed you are, the more you’ll be able to enjoy every magical moment of your wedding.

So find something to do together that will help you ease your nerves, and forget about the hustle & bustle of planning your wedding for just a few moments. Your big day will feel just a bit more special – and a bit more relaxed – because of it.

3. Get a Couples’ Massage

Speaking of easing your nerves and indulging in some well-deserved relaxation together…

Treat yourselves to a couples’ massage and let the expert hands melt away your worries. Not only will this rejuvenate your body and mind, but it will also create a sense of intimacy and calmness between you and your partner.

Carry this sense of intimacy and calm throughout the rest of your day to find just a bit more beauty in whatever else you decide to do on your “last date before you get married”.

And after your date – and your day – is over, a couples’ massage will leave the both of you feeling refreshed and pumped & ready for your big day that’s about to come.

4. Disconnect from Technology

In today’s digital world, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of notifications and social media updates.

But you don’t want to get notifications of what Jane had for dinner last night, or how John’s cruise ship trip is going just one day before your wedding. And you probably don’t want to stress about the constant flow of wedding updates that are still bombarding your screens just 24 hours before your big day.

So consider disconnecting from your phones, laptops, and other devices – to allow yourselves to focus on each other.

In fact, make a pact to disconnect from technology on your date before your wedding day.

Switch off your phones and other distractions. And focus solely on enjoying each other’s company instead. Give yourselves a chance to get lost in deep conversations, heartfelt romantic moments, and the beauty of the present. Your present.

This will not only help you connect on a deeper level, but also give you a much needed break from all the last-minute stressors that might pop up just as you’re ready to give in fully to all the magic & romance surrounding your wedding.

5. Write Love Notes to Each Other

Words have incredible power, especially when it comes to expressing love.

But why should you wait until your wedding to express how much your partner means to you?

Take some time during your date to write heartfelt love notes to each other. Share your feelings, reminisce about your journey, and express your excitement for the future. Scatter them all around, or hide them in special places for your partner to find.

Imagine finding a sweet love note from your partner on your pillow. Or imagine them smiling – or holding their tears back – as they read one of your hidden notes in their wallet.

After all, unexpected romantic gestures feel the best – and will definitely bring a smile to both of your faces! And these love notes will serve as beautiful reminders of your bond and can be cherished for years to come.

Besides, who doesn’t get butterflies after reading a sweet note from their favorite person in the whole wide world?!

6. Have a Romantic Dinner

Sooner or later your romantic date will come to an end – giving way to the beautiful beginning of your beautiful wedding day that you’ve both been waiting for.

So why not end your pre-wedding date on a delicious note by having a romantic dinner together?

Choose a restaurant that holds special meaning for both of you or try out a new cuisine that piques your interest. If you want, you can even cook a special meal at home – preparing food together can be one of the most romantic activities ever!

Now, you don’t have to get all fancy here if you don’t want to. You’ll be in the best company ever enjoying good food and good wine. Add some soft music and a few candles into the mix – and that’s all you really need to have a romantic dinner date with your soulmate.

So enjoy gazing at each other from across the table and toast to your future together. And savor every second of being together before the whirlwind of wedding festivities begins.

As you gear up for your big day, don’t forget to prioritize each other. With that in mind, going on a date before your wedding is not just a tip – it’s a must-do! So go ahead, take that break from wedding planning and focus on what really matters – your love story.

And if you’re still trying to find a wedding photographer who just “gets you” and your vision, you might be in luck. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me to discover how I can help you make the wedding of your dreams come to life – and “stay alive” through my heartfelt photographs of your most cherished moments.

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